Conditions of submission

Rules for participation

Submission requirements

The author should submit an original story/poem in English. The maximum length is 8000 characters (including spaces).
The work must be fictional, or deal with historical or biographical topics in a literary manner. Journalistic works, non-fiction articles or essays, etc., will not be accepted.
Stories can be of any genre, e.g. fiction, creative nonfiction, or poetry dealing with the theme "family stories and traditions. 

Author information

Authors shall submit their work using a Short Édition account that they will need to create. The author should clearly indicate how they would like to be credited on their work. This name will appear next to the title of their story.


Rights, Guarantees, and Responsibilities

Guarantees and responsibilities

The author declares that they are the sole author of any text they submit, and that this same text is an original creation. The author declares that they control the copyright of the submitted text, meaning that they have never transferred these rights to a third person/entity.

Copying and distribution

The author grants a non-exclusive right to the project organizer to reproduce, correct and publish their stories via Short Édition dispensers owned by West Palm Beach.
The copyright of the work shall remain with the author. The author agrees and acknowledges that in this specific case, publication and distribution of their work shall not result in the payment of royalties from neither Short Édition nor West Palm Beach.

Selection and publication

The coordinators of the West Palm Beach project have sole discretion in selecting works for distribution via Short Édition dispensers owned by West Palm Beach. They may also reject or remove works from the dispenser without giving any prior notice or justification to the author. The author can also ask for their work to be removed by notifying the project coordinators in writing.



If you have any request, please contact us!