The Day the Unicorns Came to Town

Dr Marlene MD

Dr Marlene MD

Dr. Marlene MD is the pen name for Dr. Marlene Wolf, a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians. After retiring, she rediscovered her love of creative writing, and is published in numerous magazines, newsletters, and medical textbooks.

The day the unicorns come to town,
they sprinkle their magic, remove all frowns. 
Unicorns and rainbows, a mystical team,
happiness, laughter, smiles are seen.
Listen my friends and you shall hear, 
about the unicorns, in the 2020 year.
This day, the sun did shine and rise,
to empty Palm Beach, a unicorns' surprise.
The day the unicorns came to town,
sun bathers could not be found.
Ocean waves crashed onto shore.
Unicorns saw not a soul to adore.
The day the unicorns had their flight, 
Floridians were all out of sight. 
They missed the rainbow streak in the sky, 
a sign of the unicorns on a fly-by. 
The tiny turtle hid in the shell,
who would believe, who to tell? 
The rainbow streak seen oh so high, 
with unicorns sparkling, side by side. 
The fear of Covid infection abound, 
the day the unicorns came to town. 
On Florida beaches, only palm trees, 
no children did the unicorns see. 
No walkers or friends having fun, 
no lifeguards glistening in the sun. 
The day the unicorns flew around, 
Palm Beachers could not be found. 
Restaurant row was eerily quiet. 
Coffee shops closed, very silent. 
Palm Beachers met virtually online, 
only computer connections did shine. 
Norton Museum closed its doors. 
No footsteps heard on their floors. 
Lonely were the library books, 
no hands or eyes to take a look.
There was a time, unicorns remember, 
when hands were held, so tender. 
Hugs and kisses at City Place, 
Strolling Worth Avenue at a leisure pace. 
Unicorns did agree and declare, 
the pandemic has tainted the air,
with Covid infection creepy and strange, 
causing life to get all rearranged. 
The months crept by slowly this year 
but cafes did open, to a great cheer.
Palm Beach residents working together, 
surviving, thriving in Florida weather. 
Chatter around town again was heard, 
delicious, gourmet food being served. 
Plates, glasses, silverware did clink, 
friends gathered to eat and drink. 
Tiny turtle froze suddenly in awe,
the sparkle in the sky he saw.
A rainbow streak did truly appear,
the sign that unicorns were near.
Unicorns sprinkle their magic about,
mystically changing gloom and doubt 
to happy, fun-filled times together.
Unicorns and rainbows forever and ever.

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